Today is the day that I've been waiting for, for a long time. Hudson turns 5. Ever since Hudson has been born, he's been an early riser. This was a terrible thing to go through when he was 2 and 3, because he would wake up at 3 am (not knowing it wasn't time to get up) and go downstairs and 'bake cookies'. I would come stumbling down the stairs to find him with a mixing bowl full of flour, sugar, honey, and other random stuff. This happened more than I can count on one hand (luckily he never turned on the stove). We would find pop tarts, and other snacky food gone as well. When he turned 4, he knew better than to get up in the middle of the night, but he still would bang around in bed until his night light turned into a sun (this is one of the top 10 inventions: and continue to run around the house, waking the rest of us up (sometimes I would even leave cereal out on the table for him to eat to give us a few more minutes of sleep). My hope is that at 5, he can learn to be quiet, and go turn on the tv or something on the weekends.
Hudson's first party was with family. Great looking cake made by my BFF, Berta Jo! Aunt Leanna and Grandma Cooper came up with a great idea for the kids by bringing a pinata (my dad might of not have thought it was a good idea because he ended up holding the pinata after the loop broke off!).
(it's a baseball cake, kind of :)
His Chewie he got from Ama (as a suggestion by me).
My momma and me!
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