Monday, November 21, 2011

30 day shred, day 7!

Holy cow!  It's been a week!

Level: 1
Date: November 21, 2011
Time of exercise: 10:00am
Qty (each strength is done twice):
pushups: (girl)     18, 14
squat and press:  15*, 7*
dumbbell row:    15  , 15
static lunge w/ 
bicep curl:           26 , 25
chest Y's:            completed all (didn't count these because I knew I could finish them)
anterior raises w/
static lunge**:        22, 16
weight: +1.5 lbs 

* - didn't complete the strength for the whole time allotted 
** - due to my bad, crackling knees, I won't do the lunges.

 I got up with the kids this morning (I usually lay in bed until they start yelling for me on Mondays :) and weighed myself.  I was up 1.5 pounds.  Pretty discouraging!  I decided, instead of throwing the Wii remote at the tv (I weigh myself using the Wii Fit scale), I'd just try harder this week.  When I looked at the overall calories burnt last week, I was a few hundred calories below my goal (I try to burn 2,000 calories a week).  I felt like I was exercising a lot, but I guess it wasn't enough.  So I started off the week with Zumba!  What a fun activity to do with friends.  I made up some moves of my own.  I didn't do any of the lunges (my tiny way of saving my knees).  My arms were tired from Zumba, so I really had to focus on getting the reps in this morning.

I enjoy getting these exercises done in the morning because I feel like I've accomplished something and I don't have to think about it later in the day.

Before shredding today, I did Zumba.

1 comment:

  1. Where did you Zuma at? I've been looking to try that and I don't know if gyms or YMCA's offer that.
