I'm back!!
I took a little over a week off (because even after 7 days, I could still feel a little twinge in my ab muscle, so I played it safe). I felt in great shape to start this up again (2 days at Level 1 to ease into it, and then today at Level 2). Apparently ALL my exercises comes in waves because I only ran once during my 10 day Jillian Michaels hiatus.
The good news is that I lost a half pound during that time! No idea how because that covered Thanksgiving and eating out for three days straight while I was in Cali.
I couldn't start blogging 2 days ago when I started this up because my internet was down and just came up today. I never realized how much we used the internet. Way too much really, but it's hard to finish up Christmas shopping without it (last year I probably did 85% of my Christmas shopping online, this year I'm closer to 60%).
But I have really exciting news! Exciting for me anyways. While in California, some parts of Michigan got a great big covering of snow. My cell is on the phone list, so I got a call at 3am telling me that my kids didn't have school. Doh! I tried to get back to bed, but I couldn't. I started surfing the internet and I came across the product from BodyMedia. It's a band that you put on your left arm (I'm sure you can use your right) and you wear it 23 hours of the day. It measures how many calories you burn a day, how many steps you've taken, how much moderate and vigorous activity you've done, and how many hours you've slept (and how many hours you laid down). You can also use it to input your calories for the day. I bought the LINK, which has Bluetooth technology built into it so I can press a button and it will update an app on my phone. (BodyMedia Link:
BodyMedia page , I bought mine online from Costco:
Costco's BodyMedia Link (I'm not a Costco member, so I had to pay an additional $9, but that was a steal compared to what other places were selling it. I got mine for $179 (plus $9) and it included a year of the website subscription. My sister-in-law is a member at Costco, but I didn't think she would have enjoyed a phone call that early.)). Apparently these things are just expensive paper weights if you don't get the subscription to see your activity. The subscription runs $6.95/month (if you pay for a year) or $12.95 if you pay monthly.

Above is an example of what I see on my iPhone. The 6 minutes of vigorous activity was the 6 minutes of cardio in Jillian's workout. Not surprised with how much sleep I get (the website will show when you lay down and when you are sleeping and when you are just laying in bed), but I was surprised with how many steps I took in a day and what they consider Moderate Activity (must be the walking). I thought I burned roughly 2,000 calories a day, so I was pretty close to that. Now I just need to eat less!
So that's it for today! I'll be back to my regular template style tomorrow. Happy Holidays!!
P.S. If I remember tomorrow, I'd be interested in seeing how many calories I burn while doing the Jillian Micheals workout. I estimated 120 calories for the 25 minutes.